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Project 3          Kick-Stick Challenge

Students may form groups of no larger than 3 for this project.

However in a group situation all advertising must be original.

In this activity, students investigate series circuits and motors to build a hand-held "kick stick". The goal is to create a battery-operated device that could be used as a game. The activity is a fun, hands-on way for learners to get a taste for the design process and an understanding of electrical circuits. The resources below outline how to build your own kick-stick, but it is up to your imagination with how this may be incorporated into a game of your choice.

  • Use the supplied equipment to construct a 'game' based on the ‘kick-stick principle’.

  • Use creativity in the design, ensuring the device is safe to use and all warnings are conveyed before use.

  • Create an imaginative name and advertisement to make it marketable as a child’s toy or electronics kit.

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